Thursday, 26 March 2009

World's Fastest and S.E.Asia's Longest Cable Car

I accompanied my children and grandchildren for a two-day trip to Genting Highland from 23 - 25 March 2009. I wouldn't miss the chance of having a good time with them. And it really was a good time when they tried out almost all the fun rides there were. I accompanied them on the less violent ones. After checking out in the afternoon of the second day, we decided to take a cable car ride to the bottom of the hill. For those people who love roller coaster rides, riding this cable car is peanut or "kacang". The trouble is I hate roller coasters or anything that spin and turn you upside down at break-neck speed. But curiousity got the better of me and I followed my two grandchildren into the gandola. The take off was scary. You just imagine jumping off a platform into a deep valley below your feet! If you are not a free fall enthusiast or parachutist, you wouldn't be able to understand what I mean. But never mind I'll tell you anyhow, how I felt. My gandola sped towards the end of the platform and suddenly I found myself hanging by a little cable in mid-air with a deep valley a thousand feet below! Suddenly I found so many questions crammed into my head: what if the cable should snap? What if the cable car fall off the tiny cable? Oh God! I don't want to lose my grandchildren! The fear was all very unecessary though. The cable car is built to last with the safety of its passengers foremost in the minds of the designers and it is computerised. Except for the take off, the ride was really exhilarating and enjoyable. As you glided over the thick lush rainforest far below, we were told that the cable car is the world's fastest and S.E.Asia's longest at about 3km. When we reached the other end, our bus was already waiting for us. Some of the beautiful and breath-taking sceneries.
Feel the exhilarating ride in this video


  1. Hi It is exciting to read about this. But I have a phobia for heights. I could not even do flying fox or abseiling properly without getting sick.

    Do you think I should try this?

  2. Dear Chang Yi,

    For the adventurous, the ride is exciting. I think the uphill ride should be more exciting than the downhill ride.

    It is not for the faint-hearted though as you get this "rawan" feeling all the way. The worst part is the "take-off" from the top of the mountain as your car is flung into the emptiness with a deep valley below you!

    I definitely will not recommend this to those with a heart problem.

  3. Lin,

    Komando ada dua kategori - yg masih service dan yg pencen. Yg pencen ni ada sikit gayat. Hehehe.
