Saturday 27 September 2008

The Sunset Fishing

This is one of my favourite picture. It was taken sometime in 1986 at the confluence of Binio and Pandan River in the upper reaches of Kamena River in Sarawak's Fourth Division. I was leading my battalion in a search and destroy operation to locate the remaining communist terrorists hardcore who were still active in the Third and Fourth Division of Sarawak. There were scattered Iban long houses and settlements in the area. There was no road and the only mean of movement was by boats through the rivers. I was on an intelligence gathering mission. I was there for about half a day, at the end of it I caught the beautiful picture of the sunset.

1 comment:

  1. Selamat bekelala Col.
    Nama aku Frank, asal orang binyo.
    Enti enda silap aku gambar nuan tok diambik lebuh maya nuan nginti ba nanga binyo. Ba belakang nuan bisi gambar langkau tang enda entu berupai dipeda. Enti enda salah peda aku, nya langkau akik aku late Tr. Serang. Langkau kebun semak lubuk binyo.
