I was chairing the meeting.

Col Roslan PGB, Dato' Abdul Kadir PGB, Lt Kol Jalil Makmor PGB, PW1 Ahmad Adnan PGB.

Dato' Salehuddin PGB, Kapt Hamid SP, PW2 Ielias PGB at the far end.

Maj Sameon PGB giving out his opinion.
As a follow up to my pledge to bring the matter up to the attention of the highest Authority, I called for a meeting with as many SP and PGB holders around KL and Johor as possible. I do not want to be seen shouldering the problem alone. As an Association, we must collectively solve any problem that affect all of us.
The first meeting was held on 23 October 2010 at 10.00 a.m at the Ex-Services Association of Wilayah Persekutuan, Jalan Bellamy, Sg Besi, KL. A decision was made in the meeting to form a working committee to discuss the matter in depth, come up with a solution, put it in writing and to be handed over to the highest Authority - the PM or the Defence Minister.
I was made aware that a similar project is already on the drawing board, under the purview of the Prime Minister's Department.
Following are the details:
1. Location: Near to the National Monument, behind the Administative and Diplomatic Service Association Club and secretariat building along Persiaran Sultan Salahuddin.
2. Size of Area: 6 hectar site.
3. Estimated Cost: RM18 million.
4. Under the purview of the prime Minister's Department and City Hall.
5. City Hall is to design the landscape.
6. The government will decide who are to be buried there.
7. To cater for 500 burial plots - 250 for muslims and another 250 for non-muslims. These two areas will be segregated by a buffer zone planted with big trees.
8. Implementation: Under the 9th Malaysia Plan.
If this plan has been firmly decided, then what remain for us to do is to ensure recipients of the SP and PGB are included among those who will be given a place in the mousoleum.
Personally I feel, the area is small. There will be little space for future expansion. Though the location is ideal, it would be better if it could be relocated to a bigger area to cater for expansion and building of facilities such as the "Hall of Fame" and mini museum where pictures and stories concerning the heroes could be displayed for the future generation to know and read.
Another meeting to discuss the details is scheduled for 30 October 2010 at the Ex-Services Association (PBTM) Jalan Bellamy, KL.