Friday 12 June 2009

Drives to Inculcate the Reading Habit in Armed Forces Personnels.

Inculcating the Reading Habit in the Armed Forces Personnels. On June 11, 2009, I was invited as one of the three members of a panel in the drive conducted by the Armed Forces in the Ministry of Defence to inculcate reading habit in their personnels. The fifty odd participants consisted of a good cross sections of all ranks. We were asked to tell the participants on our books including highlights that the readers should know.
Lt Gen Datuk Hj Shahrome Bin Hj Ibrahim TUDM in his capacity
as the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Headquarters gave the
opening speech.
I was the first to carry out my task. The Moderator, an officer from the National Library, conducting the discussions.
Some of the Senior Officers of the Armed Forces
The other participants


  1. This is indeed a very interesting move...Good work!!

  2. It is not easy to plant the reading habit in adults, unless it was inculcated into them at a very early age. Anyway, hope they can make some headway in this drive.

  3. The task of the reading habit should be given to the Education Corp (AJAR). Moreover....there's always a library in each unit. Probably, they need to have more quality materials, books for the soldiers' liking.
